One Stop Computer Shop in Lees Summit MO serves the entire Kansas Ctiy area.  Phone 816-524-9888.
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One Stop Computer Shop in Lees Summit MO serving the entire Kansas City metro area.
One Stop Computer Shop in Lees Summit MO - Celebrating 8 years repairing computer systems and iphones/ipads.
One Stop Computer Shop in Lees Summit MO - Click here for our location
One Stop Computer Shop in Lees Summit MO - Store hours:  M-F 8AM to 6PM, Sat 9AM to 5PM
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One Stop Computer Shop - Website Design

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Today, if you have a small business, you need to have a website.


  • One Stop Computer Shop in Lees Summit MO serving the entire Kansas City area - Website DesignExpand your market! With your website on the Internet your message goes out to millions of people, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at a fraction of the cost of a newspaper, radio or television ad. Your store or service can be seen around the world enabling new customers and prospects to be exposed to you anytime, day or night.

  • Increase your service to your customers using your web site. You can easily educate, inform and service people via the Internet. Customers or prospects can contact you using e-mail, thus making you accessible twenty-four hours a day. With e-mail you can make yourself easier to contact and by putting an inquiry form online you will be opening the doors to a flood of new customers.

  • Keep your customers informed! Putting a web site on the Internet allows you to keep your customers updated on the most recent changes in services, new or updated products, special deals and sales. Your customers don't have to wait for the next newsletter to get the latest information on your company.

  • Keep your message fresh! Changing your ads or information is easy to do on the Web. We offer maintenance plans that will enable you to keep your web site up to date with the latest information and the best part is we do all the work!

  • Save time and money! A web site can cut costs in many areas of your business. Save money on printing, postage, phone costs and more. Free up time to work on important projects rather than answering questions or sending out memos and costly information packs.

  • Home Page - This page is an introduction to the web site, a description of your business and guide to the contents of the web site.

  • Product or Service - Display a full list of the products and services you can supply. This can contain prices and link directly to an order form if desired.  We can even set up an online store where you can sell products or services directly to the consumer.

  • Frequently Asked Questions - Why keep answering the same question over and over and over? This page lets the users easily find the answers to common questions or problems.

  • Product Updates, Specials and Sales - Keep your clients and prospects updated on the latest changes in your products or services. Advertise new products, special offers and sales. Let everyone know about time sensitive changes and upcoming deadlines.

  • E-mail - Anyone can e-mail an inquiry or an order into your business via e-mail.

Let us provide you with a no obligation quote.
Call us at 816-524-9888 today!

Click on a link below to see how One Stop Computer Shop can help with your website needs:

One Stop Computer Shop in Lees Summit MO - We service all brands including Dell, HP, Mac, Acer,m Alienware, Intel, Android, Compaq, AMD, Gateway, nvidia, emachines, Sony ATI, Apple and all others in the Kansas City Metro area.

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